Dezvoltarea de aplicații ale toxicogenomicii pentru screening-ul și evaluarea riscului în expunerea la contaminanți (arsen, plumb și cadmiu) din factorii de mediu



Analysis of advanced biomarkers as predictive values for breast cancer treatment (experimental model), in relationship with environmental exposure to arsenic, phthalates and ETS – National research, development and innovation plan (PNCDI II). More…


Arsenic underground water contamination in Western Romania: occurrence, influence on human health, CONTAS. More…


Control and monitoring of environmental contamination generated by gases and particulate matter resulted from lead technological process (CEEX project 58/2). More…


MESAR is the acronym for „Complex Program for Assuring the Quality and Security of Environment in Specific Rural Areas Polluted with Pesticides and Heavy Metals with Impact Upon the Quality of Life”. The project is included in the national research, development and innovation plan (PNCDI II) for the period 2007 – 2013. More…


Program to identify and sesolve social aspects in relation to occupational exposure to lead and SO2 in the car batteries industry, CNMP, Program 4, Partnerships in Priority Areas. More…


Project focusing on drinking water quality and citizens safety related to carcinogenic substances (THM) – National research, development and innovation plan (PNCDI II). More…


Analysis of microRNA biomarkers as prediction indicators in the treatment of cervical cancer in relation to exposure to arsenic, phthalates and cotinine – Partnerships in Priority Areas. More…


Risk assessment of biological hazards and toxic metals as an integrated „One Health” approach in Danube Delta biodiversity area – National research, development and innovation plan (PNCDI II). More…


Consortium to Perform Human Biomonitoring on a European Scale, European Coordination Action On Human Biomonitoring – FP7, (Reinhard Joas). More…


Demonstration of a study to coordinate and perform human biomonitoring on a European scale – EU, Life (Reinhard Joas). More…


Arsenic Health Risk Assessment and Molecular Epidemiology – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K. (Dr. Tony Fletcher). More…

Arsenic exposure and spontaneous pregnancy loss

EHC, SUNY at Albany University (Prof. Michael Bloom). More…


Central European Study on Air Quality and Respiratory Health and the Environmental Study of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Indoor and Outdoor Pollution and Children’s Respiratory Diseases in Central and Eastern Europe – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K. (Dr. Tony Fletcher).

Arsenic Challenge and Treatment by DMPS

University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A. (Professor Vas Aposhian).

Lead Poisoning in Children and Workers

Fowler Associates, U.S.A. (Dr. Douglas Fowler).

Environmental Health Risk Assessment of Radon and Progeny

Fowler Associates, U.S.A. (Dr. Douglas Fowler).

Training in Environmental Health

SUNY, University at Albany, USA (Professor David Carpenter).

Lead Exposure and Blood Lead Level in Children

SUNY, University at Albany (Prof. David Carpenter, Simona Surdu MD, PhD).

Radon Exposure and Health Effects in a Uranium Mining Area

Fowler Associates, Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Babes Bolyai University (Prof. Costantin Cosma).

Cancer Risks of the Population from a Uranium Mining Area

Fowler Associates, Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Babes Bolyai University (Prof. Constantin Cosma).

Health at the Crossroads

EHC, Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Babes Bolyai University.

Isocyanates and Bronchial Asthma

EHC, Yale University (Prof. Carrie Redlich).

Skin and Breast Cancer in Transylvania

EHC, Yale University (Prof. Kathleen McCarty).

Detection of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among swine workers in Romania

(Prof. Peter Rabinowitz – Yale University, Medical School; Prof. Marina Spinu- USAMV).